Gigs, Covid, Podcast

Wow, it has been so long since I have written an update on this page. Apologies. So much has happened. Covid stopped most of the gigs in February. Then finally, the rules changed and we were allowed to have gigs again. My first gig back was on May 3rd.  Unfortunately, a few days after that show, I was told that a few people at the event had tested positive for Covid. Funny, on the morning I got the message, I was feeling a little funny in the throat and had tested negative. As the day wore on I felt worse and by the next day I felt rotten and tested positive. From there, it was it isolation at home for the next seven days - so, including the weekend, I was out for ten days. Feeling much better now and am now back teaching. I got through it ok. 


The band has been trying to rehearse once a week to keep the ball rolling and the wheels turning. Because of Covid I missed a few  rehearsals but am now back and fit to carry on. Can't wait to get a regular run of gigs again.  I miss playing and performing so much. It's what drives me.


On the recording front I have been quite busy. I have just spent Saturday prepping and rehearsing for an upcoming recording session with bass player Brian Graham from the band, Tomahawk Radio. Though this is a different project Brian is working on. I enjoyed jamming out four rock tracks and am looking forward to the recording in June. 


My songwriting mission is back in full swing and has been for most of the year. With my dear friend and Mother Goose/Argus bass player Denis Gibbins,  we have been busy writing together. Next month we will go into the studio to demo record a new version of one of the first songs we ever wrote. We have a few new songs to also demo down the track. This has been a really exciting writing period for me personally, and we can't wait to share them with you in the 2nd half of this year.


My son, Harley, and I have been recording a podcast series on my musical career.  It was his idea! It's been amazing to chat to him about my early days, my Mother Goose career and my musical life here in NZ. We are three quarter through recording and I will let you know when and where you can hear it. 


My self-penned autobiography is at a publisher at the moment. I will update you when I get news about a release - either with a publisher or self published. 

That's all for now. Take care.

Marcel ! 


The Podcast